110512 - braided landscapes

Examples of the braided landscapes.  Go here for a slideshow of more models and here for the handout that introduced this exercise.

Sol Ok, Jenny Rong, Girolamo Carollo, Abraham Dreazen

110512 - final drawings

Examples of the final drawings.  Go here for a slideshow of more drawings and here for the handout that introduced this exercise.

 aimee zhao - plan

 sol ok - plan

hyun seung lee - section

yoshiki mino - section

110512 - final models

Examples of the final models.  Go here for a slideshow of more models and here for the handout that introduced this exercise.

 Sol Ok
Kum Ju Bae
 Aimee Zhao

Girolamo Carollo

110512 - system diagram

Examples of the system diagrams.  These diagrams explore how the intervention is systematically installed in the landscape.  Go here for a slideshow of more drawings and here for the handout that introduced this exercise.

Kum Ju Bae 
Hyun Seung Lee
 Aimee Zhao